Midtown, Atlanta GA.
December 31st. 2009 -January 1st. 2010
Disclamer: All these Images were taken by Mandy! (You Rock Mandy)
I recently started graduate school, I am now officially a graduate at the Savannah College of Art and Design; which is a school I have wanted to attend ever since I found out about it! But As the Title states This Blog is about New Years! This past new years was the best that I have had in a long while, I started out with grand plans that ended up falling thru but it ended as a hell of a night, I met some new friends and had a blast with some old ones. For my new years I am very thankful for my friends we all came together to have a great time even though the location had to be changed. This year I have hope that even though hope is nothing new to me, this years is different it seems more real, more alive.
I am a graduate student studying what I love photography, I have great friends and very much enjoy my life. I see my plan very clearly now. The plan is to graduate at the top of my class at SCAD with an MFA in photography, and very soon after move to New York!!! Now New York has been a dream of mine since I left butI knew that I could not go back without at least a masters degree. Now I see my goal getting closer, and I am working as hard as I can to reach it! Now that I am on the path, I have a million things planned, I know that I have to take it step by step and while keeping my eye on my goal, make sure I take each step with care, as to not fall back a couple. Now here is my new years resolution, to do my best and give my all, no distractions!!!
This is where you can see my hand in these images, Mandy took them with my canon 30D with 18-55mm lens and a speedlite 430ex flash. The 30D was set to TV and she played around with the shutter speed, and bounced the flash. To edit these pictures after preediting them in aperture I uploaded them to photoshop where I converted them to grayscale, played around with the curves and filters, and contrast until it gave me this vintage film look (looks better on macs :-P) . I choose not to edit my skin because I did not want it to take away from the candid picture feeling of the images.
And here is the photographer extraordinaire who made sure to capture these great moments the talented Mandy, Thanks again Mandy you rock!!!