Monday, March 12, 2012

Sneak Preview

Here is a screen shot of some images i am working on from yesterday's shoot for iFashion Network. Still have some ways to go on retouching the images but I thought I should share. The shoot was great fun tons of food, I had a great assistant who is also a Doctor, yup you heard right an MD was my PA lol only in NY will post the finished images at a later date.

Friday, March 9, 2012

My Brand

Now this is a subject I could spends days on, properly branding yourself, and your work. Its a tough market many times you cannot get in anywhere unless you know someone, networking still always important. Last week my website is down, it is now back up but in that one week that it was down I lost money, or rather, I lost the chance to make money.

Never underestimate the value of a great website, you can be the best but without a way to show that, how will people know your the best? But a great website is only the start, today you need a full web presence, what does that mean? it means Twitter, Facebook, linkedin, youtube, a blog, you need them all and you need them now.

I am not one to be just all talk, I walk the walk, on this entry I have screen shots of my web presence, the only one I am missing is youtube, which is still under construction and will be up by the summer. Unfortunately having all great web presence is not all you need to be successful, but it is a damm good start!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Trained yet?

I do not know what to call this post, shot this i think two weeks ago for a models port. This image is still in progress, meaning I am still retouching it but i felt like putting it up. Like all commerical images it's it will never really be complete without the right text, we are trained that way i guess without the right text, its not really right, you can look at it, but something seems off. So you just have to love advertising from a young age we are trained, I should know, fashion ads are the reason I picked up a camera in the first place.


Product photography, to some photographers that is a dirty word, but to me its quite enjoyable. Getting the light at the right place so that you can light it properly, just love it! I mean its not my absolute fav type of photography; my favorite type of photography consists of models and a full production team with two assistants all brought together for the purpose of shooting a crazy image. think early David Lachapelle; and product photography is not that at all, but it is relaxing.

Fashion Week

Love fashion week, so much planned for one week, tons of shoes which take months to plan for 15 minutes, got to love it. I do not like winter fashion week, no interest in it, but summer and fall fashion week when the weather is amazing, got to love every second of it, people dress better and the atmosphere is better, love it, love the access, love the parties!


We all shoot weddings, that goes without saying. professional or with a cell phone camera, we all shoot at weddings whether u like it or not. I myself do not mind shooting weddings at all, I approach it as I would any documentary project. Shoot tons, make sure u are using a camera that you are very comfortable with and the right lenses, because you will be adjusting your camera to get the right exposure on the fly and at greats speed so no time to sit and check the back of your camera.

There is one thing that I do love about shooting weddings though, the access. You get full access to the bride and groom the whole time I love that, makes me think of how it would be like to be a white house or embassy photographer, you know getting full access to VIP's and taking images that can end being historic one day so you have to make every frame count, love it!!!


I guess you cannot be a photographer in NY without taking some landscape images at one point in you stay here. The Brooklyn bridge, Times Square, Washington Square, soo many landmarks that you have seen since you were a in diapers even if you have never even been to NY. The first time I saw NYC was in a movie, now I live here.

Street Photography

New york is a wonderful city but you already knew that. There is something about walking up to a complete stranger in NYC, and asking them to pose for a photo that is such a rush.

Most people you ask are just more than happy to stop for you but there is a select few who act as if you are paparazzi. When I look to shoot someone on the street I look for certain character; I do not care if there fashionable or not just want there face for the most part, street portraits.

Race Fun

Took these images a while back at Road Atlanta's Petite LeMans.I remember waking up very early in the morning to go meet my good friend so that we could make it to race day early in the morning. I never knew so many things that went into race day, the whole culture was very knew to me, but i feel it love with the atmosphere completely.

Very amazing day I hope to do it again one day.

Natural Light

Took this a while back for a store in coney Island. A pretty friend and I had a free day so we decide to head to the beach and see what happens.

I was using 5D Mark II, 24-105mm lens and the sun around 3pm. Love these, love the color.